Introverts are better?

First, let's see whom will you call an introvert-
A person who is a bit shy or more often a person doesn't gets involved much, publicly.
People with such personality do get along with people but it takes time for them gel up & get into that friendly zone.
Is anything wrong into it? Absolutely not. It is rather a personality type & these people can grow equally well in life compared to extroverts.
Now, lets talk about someone who could be called an extrovert-
A person who gets along with most of the people easily, are a bit more friendly & talkative compared. These people enjoy when more people are around & would also like move other people to the joyous mode.
Is anything wrong into it? Not at all & probably this doesn't needs an explanation about, due to the mental model public possesses about these topics.
What could go wrong for any of the cases? Professionally; if a person is highly of extrovert or introvert in nature, there might be some cases where the things could go uneasy in a work environment. Better, lets talk what could be acted so that the things go on smoothly in a work environment.
Primarily, a person will always be inclined towards one of the two personalities. If a person is highly extrovert or introvert, he/she should try to move towards moderate side of the personality types they are inclined towards. I have also tried to explain the behavior through an info-graphic. Introverts should move towards low introversion behavioral segment & Extroverts should move towards low Extraversion behavioral segment while at work environment.
Business & work environments are more about healthy communication practices, communications practices could be a make or break case in such scenarios.
Trying to act or move into the moderate personality segments in a professional or work environment will help to communicate effectively & impact fully.
Note: Most of the people are inclined towards one of the above personality types & there is no harm in any of them. The small article is just a suggestive help regarding behavior at work places.


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