Horror Asimmetrie

The fear of being asymmetrical.

While creating a product, interface or design; I have found many people who knowingly unknowingly practice & feel that having unevenness or irregularity between parts or aspects of something is not right, they feel something is not fine.
Is it really not fine practising asymmetry?
Not at all... It is more of a personal thought or perception, which has been built around due to some instances & scenarios the person has been through in his/her life starting from childhood.
Creating something without the fear of being asymmetrical will end up being a better outcome & applying symmetry principles only when needed. Irregularity & unevenness exist in the universe since its evolution & many bodies, entities possessing such properties are perfect in every way for what they are, what they do & how they are useful.
Lets understand it using a small example:
Above example gives us a glimpse about how a normal person & a person 'suffering' from Horror Asimmetrie could have created the above interfaces.
Is it a big issue? Not really... but it may stop someone to create even something better :)


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